A world-class Seattle copywriting agency

for your Pacific Northwest Business


What if your written internetty things sounded like you AND made you big money?

About The Owner (Whitney)

I am a word nerd, a community advocate, a hype girl, and a connector. I am a human who believes in magic.

I have big faith in me, and I have big faith in you, too.

After college (Class of ‘08, baby! Woof), I interned for free while teaching the SAT until I got a series of sexy digital marketing jobs at fancy, well-known companies. They got me a lot of free drinks in Vegas (back when I was into going to Vegas), but I was miserable in all of them.

Does a world exist, I wondered, where I can do and be all the things I want to do and be while also hanging with the people I love?

I never found it—so I created it.

No day is the same, and many days are spent in some form of soft pant.

Most days, I sit cross-legged in my office chair in my cozy PNW layers while I work with people like you to get your words into the world. It’s a dream come true.


About you (COOL HUMAN)

You’re building—or have built—something you think is pretty amazing.

But your website, blogs, socials, and other written internet things don’t sound like you. And, most frustratingly, they aren’t attracting the right people to that amazing thing.

That’s where I come in.

Together, we get clear on your story.

We hone your voice.

Then, I spread your business around like hot goss.

I specialize in helping vibey, heart-centered businesses (typically within the wellness, travel, and lifestyle categories) communicate what they’re creating to all the people who need to know about it. I love long-form writing—blogs, articles, full websites—as much as I love an influencer marketing strategy. They’re both parts of your communications pie. We mix and bake that as partners.


Words. Workshops. connections.

WE can help

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