The Popa + The Associates

<<Enter Whitney with the intro paragraph>>:

I may be the main face of this place, but I’ve learned it’s a lot more fun to work with a team I trust. You gain access to my support team when you hire P&A, even if I’m your main POC (point of contact) + PIC (partner in communications). If I’m not the primary person on your account, know that the member of my team you’re working with is highly experienced, practiced in pop culture + puns, feels strongly about Oxford commas, and is probably texting me about The Bachelor or a novel they’re reading as you’re learning more about them.

Let’s meet the team, shall we?



Head Communicator in Charge

LOVES: Power sweatsuits, indie book shops, offroad vehicles

DOESN’T LOVE: Mustard, camping, loud talkers


Communications Wizard + Owner of LEIF MEDIa

LOVES: A good book, the Olympics, froyo

DOESN’T LOVE: Cold weather, noisy chewers, Sloppy Joes



LOVES: Her family, Christmas movies, road trips with a good podcast or audiobook

DOESN’T LOVE: Spicy food, clutter, mosquitoes


Virtual Assistant + Reiki Master

LOVES: Singing show tunes at the top of her lungs, nature walks, fantasy fiction

DOESN'T LOVE: Sticky syrup caps, parking lots, blanket hogs