It's Time To Write Your Holiday Blogs
This advice originally appeared in a P&A newsletter. If you’d like to receive it, you can sign up here.
Are you feeling the holiday spirit? I bet not! You're probably reading this thinking, Whitney, it's May…
You're right! We just barely got through the holidays. You may still be recovering. You, like me, may be in a spring bloooom. We're not even six months into 2024. I get itttt.
Blog About holidays
And yet.
My entire career, I have worked with lifestyle businesses. That means my tax season, as it were, is November through New Year's Day. I pump out blogs, articles, full holiday websites, and infinity captions like I'm one of Santa's elves.
Mostly, it's fun. Sometimes, I feel like a holiday pun-pumping crazy person.
Holiday blogs
For the clients whose holiday content I write during my tax season, it's necessary because it's date-specific and event-focused. These articles aren't particularly driven by SEO (search engine optimization), but for the clients who are looking for more bookings (lodges, resorts, dentists, hair stylists, etc.) during that timeframe but aren't necessarily hosting drink bingo on specific dates, you might want to consider writing holiday blogs now.
Why? Because SEO, like Pinterest (pro tip: Pin your blogs to Pinterest, if you can), needs time to bake. The little Google Gremlins need to do some scanning of what you wrote to put it in front of eyeballs that are searching for it.
The sooner you can write those holiday things to give them time to bake—and, preferably, not when you're scrambling to write cards and send gifts and watch Home Alone—the better.
Holiday content ideas
Check out my client, Workhorse, as an example. Eric wrote three blogs for them between February and just about a week ago, two of which were specific to holiday parties (we want more people hosting holiday parties at Workhorse) and one that rounded up all types of parties we host that links back to the first two blogs.
My point? Your nervous system will thank you for posting the holly jolly musings today because you're going to be at the top of searches and fully booked come winter. You won't have the time then. You just won't.
Write those blogs before you're burned out and spending too much time with your family. Write them before the stockings are hung. Write them before you pour your next Hot Toddy.
You Need A Company Blog
Don't have a blog? Create one. It's the best way for you to become an authority in your industry and reach new people organically—on a platform you own.
And, if this all sounds great and fine and completely outside your wheelhouse, just hit replay and we'll chat about what P&A can do for you.